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Traditional Scottish
A Fig For A Kiss
Flute solo
A Hundred Years Since
Flute solo
Adieu Dundee
Flute solo
Alasdair MacAlister
Flute solo
All the Blue Bonnets Are Over the Border
Flute solo
Allan Ramsay
Flute solo
Annan Polka
Flute solo
Annie Laurie
Flute & Chords
As Black As a Coal
Flute solo
Auld Lang Syne
Flute duet
Auld Lang Syne
Flute & Piano
Auld Robin Gray
Flute duet
Babby's Fancy
Flute solo
Balcomie House
Flute solo
Banjo Breakdown
Flute solo
Because He Was a Bonny Lad
Flute solo
Big Barney
Flute solo
Birk Hall
Flute solo
Black Donald the Piper
Flute solo
Blue Bells of Scotland
Flute solo
Bonnie Charlie
Flute solo
Bonnie Dundee
Flute solo
Brodie House
Flute solo
Bung Your Eye
Flute solo
By Yon Castle Wa'
Flute solo
Cabar Feigh
Flute solo
Caddam Woods
Flute solo
Cameron House
Flute solo
Campbell's Farewell to Redcastle
Flute solo
Canty Jean
Flute solo
Captain Campbell
Flute solo
Captain Keeler
Flute solo
Colonel McBain's Reel
Flute solo
Colonel Robertson
Flute solo
Comin' Thro' the Rye
Flute solo
Cooper's Hornpipe
Flute solo
Corn Riggs Are Bonnie
Flute solo
Crossing the Minch
Flute solo
Cuttie Sark
Flute solo
Da Full Rigged Ship
Flute solo
Da New Rigged Ship
Flute solo
Dalkeith Maiden Bridge
Flute solo
Dolly's The Girl For Me
Flute solo
Draw the Sword Scotland
Flute duet
Draw the Sword Scotland
Flute & Piano
Drimen Duff
Flute solo
Drive the Cows Home
Flute solo
Drummore's Rant
Flute solo
Dumbarton's Drums
Flute solo
Duncan Gray
Flute solo
Dunse Dings A'
Flute solo
Eight Men of Muidart
Flute solo
Eriskay Love Lilt
Flute solo
Fairly Shot of Her
Flute solo
Fear a' Bhàta
Flute solo
Flowers of the Forest
Flute solo
For These Are My Mountains
Flute solo
Garey Cottage
Flute solo
Gillie Callum
Flute solo
Gladly Would I Go
Flute solo
Glen Lyon's Rant
Flute solo
Goat Fell
Flute solo
Flute solo
Gray's Hornpipe
Flute solo
Green Grow the Rashes
Flute solo
Greig's Pipes
Flute solo
Happy We've Been A' Thegither
Flute solo
Harbour Lights
Flute solo
Haymarket Hornpipe
Flute solo
Hobble About
Flute solo
Hot Punch
Flute solo
I Lo'e Nae a Laddie but Ane
Flute solo
I Wish You Would Marry Me Now
Flute solo
I'll Go No More To Yon Town
Flute solo
I'm Owre Young to Marry Yet
Flute solo
Innis's Jig
Flute solo
Flute solo
Jenny Dang The Weaver
Flute solo
Jessie the Flower of Dunblane
Flute solo
Jock O' Hazeldean
Flute solo
John Anderson My Jo, John
Flute duet
Johnnie Cope
Flute solo
Johnny's Trip to France
Flute solo
Joy to the Person of My Love
Flute solo
Kate Dalrymple
Flute solo
Kelvin's Grove
Flute duet
Kempshott Hunt
Flute solo
Kenmure's On and Awa'
Flute solo
Kilcoy Castle
Flute solo
Kinloch of Kinloch
Flute solo
Kinlock of Kinlock
Flute duet
Lady Harriet Hope's Reel
Flute solo
Lady MacKenzie of Coull
Flute solo
Lamb Skinnet
Flute solo
Lass, Gin Ye Lo'e Me
Flute duet
Leaving Lismore
Flute solo
Light and Airy
Flute solo
Loch Lomond
Flute solo
Lochaber No More
Flute solo
Lochiel's March
Flute duet
Flute solo
Lord Eglism's Reel
Flute solo
Lord Lindsay's March
Flute solo
Lord Seaforth
Flute solo
Loudon's Bonnie Woods and Braes
Flute duet
Loudon's Bonny Woods and Braes
Flute solo
Luss Road
Flute solo
MacDonald of the Isles March to Harlow
Flute solo
MacPherson's Lament
Flute solo
Mairi's Wedding
Flute solo
Major John Bruce's Quick Step
Flute solo
Marquis of Queensbury
Flute solo
Merrily Danced the Quaker
Flute solo
Merrily Kiss the Quaker
Flute solo
Miss Bain's Fancy
Flute solo
Miss Bain's Reel
Flute solo
Miss Blair's Fancy
Flute solo
Miss Brown's Favorite
Flute solo
Miss Lyall
Flute solo
Miss Mary Douglas
Flute solo
Moggy Lawther
Flute solo
Money in Both Pockets
Flute solo
Morning Has Broken
Flute & Chords
Mrs. MacLeod of Raasay
Flute solo
Mrs. Spens Monroe
Flute solo
My Ain Fireside
Flute duet
My Bonnie Lies over the Ocean
Flute solo
My Boy Tammie
Flute solo
My Love is but a Lassie Yet
Flute duet
My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose
Flute & Chords
My Love She's But a Lassie Yet
Flute solo
My Love's Like the Red, Red Rose
Flute duet
My Only Joe and Dearie
Flute solo
Nae Good Luck aboot the Hoose (with variations)
Flute solo
O Charlie is my Darling
Flute duet
O This Is No My Ain Lassie
Flute duet
O, Whistle and I'll Come to You, My Lad
Flute solo
O' Saw Ye the Lass wi' the Bonny Blue E'en
Flute duet
O'er the Water to Charlie
Flute duet
Oh Merry Row the Bonnie Bark
Flute duet
Oh! Lassie, Art Thou Sleeping Yet?
Flute solo
Orange and Blue
Flute solo
Our Lassies
Flute solo
Over the Hills and Far Away
Flute duet
Over the Hills and Far Away
Flute solo
Oxford Castle
Flute solo
Perthshire Volunteers
Flute solo
Raggle Taggle Gypsy
Flute solo
Reel of Stumpie
Flute solo
Reel of Tulloch
Flute solo
Rory O'More
Flute solo
Roslin Castle
Flute solo
Roy's Wife of Aldivalloch
Flute solo
Scotland the Brave
Flute solo
Scots Wha Hae
Flute solo
Scots Wha Hae Wi' Wallace Bled
Flute trio
Seán Frank's Reel
Flute solo
Shaun Truish Willichan
Flute solo
Sweet Molly
Flute solo
Taymouth House
Flute solo
Tha Mi Sgith
Flute solo
The Academy Jig
Flute solo
The Atholl Highlanders
Flute solo
The Banks of Allan
Flute solo
The Banks of Inverness
Flute solo
The Black Bear
Flute solo
The Bonny Boat
Flute duet
The Boy's Lament for His Dragon
Flute solo
The Braes o' Killiecrankie
Flute solo
The Broom of The Cowdenknowes
Flute solo
The Campbells Are Coming
Flute solo
The Colosseum
Flute solo
The Craw Killed the Pussy, O
Flute solo
The Crooked Bawbee
Flute solo
The Drunken Piper
Flute solo
The Earl of Mansfield
Flute solo
The Empty Purse
Flute solo
The Firefly Hornpipe
Flute solo
The Flag Dance
Flute solo
The Flowers of Edinburgh
Flute solo
The Harriot
Flute solo
The Heights of Dargai
Flute solo
The High Road to Gairloch
Flute solo
The High Road to Linton
Flute solo
The Highlanders in Paris
Flute solo
The Hills of Glenorchy
Flute solo
The Inverness Gathering
Flute solo
The Lass O' Corrie Mill
Flute solo
The Lea Rigg
Flute duet
The Legacy
Flute solo
The MacMurrough
Flute solo
The Medal
Flute solo
The Mill Oh
Flute solo
The Muckin' O' Geordie's Byre
Flute solo
The Natal Day
Flute solo
The New Rigged Ship
Flute solo
The Newsman
Flute solo
The Paddock
Flute solo
The Parting Glass
Flute solo
The Parting Kiss
Flute solo
The Piper's Bonnet
Flute solo
The Piper's Whim
Flute solo
The Prince's Welcome to the Isle of Skye
Flute solo
The Railway
Flute solo
The Rambler from Ross
Flute solo
The Red-Haired Girl of Tulloch
Flute solo
The Rival Hornpipe
Flute solo
The Ruffian's Rant
Flute solo
The Runaway Bride
Flute solo
The Skye Boat Song
Flute solo
The Smith's a Gallant Fireman
Flute solo
The Soldier's Cloak
Flute solo
The Sound of Sleat
Flute solo
The Stool of Repentance
Flute solo
The Sweet Maid of Glendaurel
Flute solo
The Tailor's Wedding
Flute solo
The Tarbolton Reel
Flute solo
The Thistle
Flute solo
The Weavers' March
Flute solo
The White Cockade
Flute solo
The Yellow Hair'd Laddie
Flute duet
There's Nae Luck
Flute solo
They're a' Noddin'
Flute duet
Tulloch Gorm
Flute solo
Wee Cooper O' Fife
Flute solo
Westering Home
Flute solo
Wha'll be King but Charlie
Flute solo
When I Parted
Flute solo
Whistle an' I'll Come to You My Lad
Flute duet
Whistle O'er the Lave O't
Flute solo
Wild Mountain Thyme
Flute trio
Yesterday's Kisses
Flute solo