Multilingual Music Glossary

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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Some random terms

  • penny whistle A folk wind instrument similar to the recorder, but usually made of tin. It generally has six finger holes, and is prominent in British and Irish folk music.
  • fortepiano [Italian] A dynamic marking (fp) directing the performer to attack the written note at the dynamic level of forte (loud) followed by an immediate decrease in volume to piano (soft).
  • theme group Several themes in the same key that function as a unit within a section of a form, particularly in sonata-allegro form.
  • forefall An ascending appoggiatura.
  • largamente [Italian] With a broad, full sound.
  • quarter note A note having the time duration of one fourth of a whole note.
  • duplet A group of two notes played in the time usually taken to play three.
  • meno [Italian] “Less”.
  • assai [Italian] Much, very much.
  • inconsolato [Italian] Disconsolate, mournful.
  • heavy metal Rock style that gained popularity in the 1970s, characterized by simple, repetitive ideas and loud, distorted instrumental solos.
  • heterophony Texture in which two or more voices (or parts) elaborate the same melody simultaneously, often the result of improvisation.
  • metrical modulation The shifting from one meter to another in the middle of a composition.
  • moresca [Italian] An exotic Renaissance dance simulating a battle between the Moors and the Christians.
  • dolce [Italian] Sweet, soft, with tender emotion.