Multilingual Music Glossary

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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Some random terms

  • réjouissance [French] A jubilant composition used to conclude some Baroque orchestral suites.
  • bracket In a score, a vertical bracket that groups together the staves relative to the instruments of a section, like the woodwinds or the strings.
  • l'istesso tempo [Italian] Literally, “the same tempo”. An indication that directs that the beat remains constant when the meter changes.
  • passing note In part writing, A non-harmonic note that appears between two notes in stepwise motion. Usually it is a link between a melodic interval of a third in one of the voices.
  • nach [German] “After”.
  • fortissimo [Italian] Very loud, louder than forte.
  • ma [Italian] “But”.
  • Klang [German] Sound, tune, ringing, sonority.
  • double trill A simultaneous trill on two notes, usually in the distance of a third.
  • canon Strict imitation, in which one voice imitates another at a staggered time interval.
  • affannoso [Italian] With anxious expression.
  • burlesque [French] A humorous composition, usually involving parody or grotesque exaggeration.
  • parallel motion In part writing, parallel motion occurs when two voices move keeping exactly the same interval between them.
  • tanto [Italian] Much.
  • vago [Italian] Vague, indefinite.