Name | Nationality | Period | Tunes |
Abrahams, Maurice | | 1883–1931 | 1 |
Abreu, Zequinha de | | 1880–1935 | 1 |
Adam, Adolphe | | 1803–1856 | 1 |
Ahnfelt, Oskar | | 1813–1882 | 1 |
Albinoni, Tomaso | | 1671–1751 | 48 |
Aldrich, Henry | | 1647–1710 | 1 |
Alexandrov, Alexander Vasilyevich | | 1883–1946 | 1 |
Allen, Euphemia | | 1861–1949 | 1 |
Alstyne, Egbert Van | | 1878–1951 | 1 |
Andersen, Joachim | | 1847–1909 | 140 |
Anderson, Ian | | 1947— | 1 |
Arlen, Harold | | 1905–1986 | 1 |
Arne, Thomas | | 1710–1778 | 1 |
Arolas, Eduardo | | 1892–1924 | 2 |
Arthur, Davey | | 1954— | 1 |
Ascher, Joseph | | 1829–1869 | 1 |
Astol Artés, Félix | | 1813–1901 | 1 |
Auber, Daniel François Esprit | | 1782–1871 | 6 |
Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel | | 1714–1788 | 8 |
Bach, Johann Sebastian | | 1685–1750 | 147 |
Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann | | 1710–1784 | 1 |
Bądarzewska-Baranowska, Tekla | | 1834–1861 | 1 |
Bagley, Edwin Eugene | | 1857–1922 | 1 |
Balfe, Michael William | | 1808–1870 | 1 |
Ball, Ernest R. | | 1878–1927 | 1 |
Ball, William | | 1784–1869 | 1 |
Barathi, S. John | | 1960— | 1 |
Barbieri, Francisco Asenjo | | 1823–1894 | 1 |
Bartók, Béla | | 1881–1945 | 2 |
Bayly, Thomas Haynes | | 1797–1839 | 8 |
Beaton, Farquhar | | ?–1916 | 1 |
Beauharnais, Hortense de | | 1783–1837 | 1 |
Beauvarlet-Charpentier, Jean-Jacques | | 1734–1794 | 2 |
Becket, Thomas à | | 1808–1890 | 1 |
Beethoven, Ludwig van | | 1770–1827 | 18 |
Behan, Dominic | | 1928–1989 | 1 |
Bellini, Vincenzo | | 1801–1835 | 2 |
Bellinzani, Paolo Benedetto | | 1682–1757 | 44 |
Bellman, Carl Michael | | 1740–1795 | 2 |
Bennard, George | | 1873–1958 | 1 |
Berbiguier, Benoit Tranquille | | 1782–1838 | 54 |
Berlioz, Hector | | 1803–1869 | 1 |
Bhattacharya, Jadunath | | 1840–1884 | 1 |
Binchois, Gilles | | ?–1460 | 3 |
Binder, Carl | | 1816–1860 | 1 |
Binički, Stanislav | | 1872–1942 | 1 |
Birch, Leonard Alfred | | 1964— | 2 |
Bishop, Henry | | 1786–1855 | 9 |
Bizet, Georges | | 1838–1875 | 15 |
Blavet, Michel | | 1700–1768 | 62 |
Blewitt, Jonathan | | 1782–1853 | 1 |
Bliss, Philip Paul | | 1838–1876 | 1 |
Blochwitz, Johann Martin | | 1687–1742 | 1 |
Boccherini. Luigi | | 1743–1805 | 2 |
Boehm, Theobald | | 1794–1881 | 59 |
Boieldieu, François-Adrien | | 1775–1834 | 7 |
Boismortier, Joseph Bodin de | | 1689–1755 | 183 |
Borodin, Alexander | | 1833–1887 | 2 |
Bourgeois, Louis | | 1510–1561 | 1 |
Boyce, William | | 1711–1779 | 2 |
Brackett, Joseph | | 1797–1882 | 1 |
Bradbury, William Batchelder | | 1816–1868 | 3 |
Braham, John | | 1774–1856 | 2 |
Brahms, Johannes | | 1833–1897 | 8 |
Braidwood, James | | ? | 1 |
Bratton, John Walter | | 1867–1947 | 1 |
Braun, Jean-Daniel | | 1703–1738 | 57 |
Brébeuf, Jean de | | 1593–1649 | 1 |
Briccialdi, Giulio | | 1818–1881 | 10 |
Britten, Benjamin | | 1913–1976 | 1 |
Browne, Harriet | | 1798–1858 | 2 |
Bull, Ole | | 1810–1880 | 2 |
Burgmüller, Friedrich | | 1806–1874 | 16 |
Burke, Johnny | | 1851–1930 | 1 |
Burnett, Ernie | | 1884–1959 | 1 |
Buxtehude, Dietrich | | 1637–1707 | 1 |
Caccini, Giulio | | 1551–1618 | 1 |
Caix d'Hervelois, Louis de | | 1677–1759 | 1 |
Calkin, John Baptiste | | 1827–1905 | 1 |
Callcott, John Wall | | 1766–1821 | 1 |
Cambini, Giuseppe | | 1746–1825 | 2 |
Campbell, Corri | | 2000— | 7 |
Campbell, Roddy | | 1937— | 46 |
Campbell, Rory | | 1971— | 25 |
Campenhout, François van | | 1779–1848 | 1 |
Carissimi, Giacomo | | 1605–1674 | 1 |
Carolan, Turlough | | 1670–1738 | 12 |
Carter, Russell Kelso | | 1849–1928 | 1 |
Carter, Thomas | | 1735–1804 | 1 |
Chaminade, Cécile | | 1857–1944 | 1 |
Chapí, Ruperto | | 1851–1909 | 1 |
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine | | 1643–1704 | 3 |
Chédeville, Nicolas | | 1705–1782 | 58 |
Chopin, Frédéric | | 1810–1849 | 23 |
Christy, Edwin Pearce | | 1815–1862 | 1 |
Clark, Thomas | | 1775–1859 | 1 |
Clarke, James C. | | ? | 1 |
Clarke, Jeremiah | | 1674–1707 | 3 |
Clementi, Muzio | | 1752–1832 | 1 |
Clérambault, Louis-Nicolas | | 1676–1749 | 1 |
Clifton, William | | 1800–1870 | 1 |
Clinton, John | | 1810–1864 | 38 |
Cohan, George Michael | | 1878–1942 | 3 |
Cohen, Samuel | | 1870–1940 | 1 |
Connellan, Thomas | | 1640–1698 | 2 |
Converse, Charles Crozat | | 1834–1918 | 1 |
Corelli, Arcangelo | | 1653–1713 | 86 |
Couperin, François | | 1668–1733 | 2 |
Cristaldi, Corrado | | 1962— | 6 |
Crumit, Frank | | 1889–1943 | 1 |
Cui, César | | 1835–1918 | 1 |
Dacre, Harry | | 1860–1922 | 1 |
Damas, Georges Aleka | | 1902–1982 | 1 |
Dandrieu, Jean-François | | 1682–1738 | 1 |
Dankó, Pista | | 1858–1903 | 1 |
Daquin, Louis-Claude | | 1694–1772 | 2 |
Darke, Harold | | 1888–1976 | 1 |
Davis, Katherine K. | | 1892–1980 | 1 |
Davy, John | | 1763–1824 | 3 |
De Geyter, Pierre | | 1848–1932 | 1 |
De Michelis, Vincenzo | | 1825–1891 | 12 |
Debussy, Claude | | 1862–1918 | 10 |
Delibes, Léo | | 1836–1891 | 4 |
Demersseman, Jules | | 1833–1866 | 29 |
Denza, Luigi | | 1826–1922 | 1 |
Desmond, Paul | | 1924–1977 | 1 |
Devienne, François | | 1759–1803 | 74 |
Di Capua, Eduardo | | 1865–1917 | 2 |
Dinicu, Grigoraş | | 1889–1949 | 1 |
Don, Alexander | | 1751–1815 | 1 |
Donizetti, Gaetano | | 1797–1848 | 4 |
Donjon, Johannes | | 1839–1912 | 5 |
Dôthel, Niccolò | | 1721–1810 | 28 |
Dougherty, William A. Jr. | | ? | 1 |
Dow, Daniel | | 1732–1789 | 1 |
Dowland, John | | 1563–1626 | 1 |
Drake, James G. | | 1815–1850 | 1 |
Drigo, Riccardo | | 1846–1930 | 1 |
Drouet, Louis | | 1792–1873 | 104 |
Drummond, Algernon | | 1844–1932 | 1 |
Dukas, Paul | | 1865–1935 | 1 |
Dvořák, Antonín | | 1841–1904 | 8 |
Dykes, John Bacchus | | 1823–1876 | 2 |
Eak-tai, Ahn | | 1906–1965 | 1 |
Eavestaff, William | | ? | 1 |
Eberwein, Max | | 1775–1831 | 1 |
Egner, Philip | | 1870–1956 | 1 |
Elgar, Edward | | 1857–1934 | 4 |
Emmett, Dan | | 1815–1904 | 3 |
Er, Nie | | 1912–1935 | 1 |
Erkel, Ferenc | | 1810–1893 | 1 |
Eyck, Jacob van | | 1590–1657 | 3 |
Farinel, Michel | | 1649–? | 1 |
Faulkner, Sanford | | 1806–1874 | 1 |
Fauré, Gabriel | | 1845–1924 | 10 |
Ferling, Franz Wilhelm | | 1796–1874 | 48 |
Festa, Sebastiano | | 1490–1524 | 1 |
Fibich, Zdeněk | | 1850–1900 | 1 |
Figueredo, Perucho | | 1818–1870 | 1 |
Fillmore, Henry | | 1881–1956 | 1 |
Flies, Bernhard | | 1770–? | 1 |
Flotow, Friedrich von | | 1818–1883 | 2 |
Fomin, Boris | | 1900–1948 | 1 |
Foote, Arthur | | 1853–1937 | 1 |
Foster, Stephen | | 1826–1864 | 11 |
Franck, César | | 1822–1890 | 2 |
Frederick the Great | | 1712–1786 | 2 |
Friedrich Wilhelm III | | 1770–1840 | 1 |
Frontini, Francesco Paolo | | 1860–1939 | 1 |
Fučík, Julius | | 1872–1916 | 2 |
Furey, Finbar | | 1946— | 1 |
Fürstenau, Anton Bernhard | | 1792–1852 | 49 |
Gabriel, Charles Hutchinson | | 1856–1932 | 2 |
Galilei, Vincenzo | | 1520–1591 | 1 |
Galli, Raffaele | | 1824–1889 | 2 |
Galway, James | | 1939— | 1 |
Gardel, Carlos | | 1890–1935 | 1 |
Gariboldi, Giuseppe | | 1833–1905 | 169 |
Gaubert, Philippe | | 1879–1941 | 3 |
Gilfert, Charles H. | | 1787–1829 | 2 |
Gilmore, Patrick | | 1829–1892 | 1 |
Giordani, Tommaso | | 1751–1798 | 1 |
Giordani, Tommaso | | 1730–1806 | 1 |
Glinka, Mikhail | | 1804–1857 | 1 |
Gluck, Christoph Willibald | | 1714–1787 | 4 |
Godard, Benjamin | | 1849–1895 | 3 |
Goldfarb, Israel | | 1879–1967 | 1 |
Goldfarb, Samuel E. | | 1891–1978 | 1 |
Goss, John | | 1800–1880 | 1 |
Gossec, François-Joseph | | 1734–1829 | 2 |
Gounod, Charles | | 1818–1893 | 3 |
Gow, John | | 1764–1826 | 1 |
Gow, Nathaniel | | 1763–1831 | 3 |
Gow, Niel | | 1727–1807 | 2 |
Grainger, Percy | | 1882–1961 | 1 |
Granom, Lewis | | 1700–1782 | 25 |
Grape, John Thomas | | 1835–1915 | 1 |
Grétry, André | | 1741–1813 | 3 |
Grieg, Edvard | | 1843–1907 | 10 |
Gripp, Parry | | 1967— | 6 |
Gruber, Edmund L. | | 1879–1941 | 1 |
Gruber, Franz | | 1787–1863 | 1 |
Guion, David | | 1892–1981 | 1 |
Guthrie, Woody | | 1912–1967 | 1 |
Gutiérrez, Pedro Elías | | 1870–1954 | 1 |
Hanby, Benjamin R. | | 1833–1867 | 2 |
Handel, George Frideric | | 1685–1759 | 101 |
Handy, William C. | | 1873–1958 | 1 |
Harington, Henry | | 1727–1816 | 2 |
Harrington, Jeffrey Michael | | 1955— | 2 |
Harris, Charles Kassel | | 1867–1930 | 1 |
Harris, Margaret Jenkins | | 1865–1919 | 1 |
Hatton, John | | 1710–1793 | 1 |
Hayashi, Hiromori | | ? | 1 |
Haydn, Franz Joseph | | 1732–1809 | 5 |
Haydn, Michael | | 1737–1806 | 1 |
Hayes, Philip | | 1738–1797 | 1 |
Hays, William Shakespeare | | 1837–1907 | 1 |
Hemans, Felicia | | 1793–1835 | 1 |
Hemmenway, James | | 1792–1859 | 1 |
Henry VIII of England | | 1491–1547 | 1 |
Hensel, Fanny | | 1805–1847 | 1 |
Herbert, Victor | | 1859–1924 | 2 |
Hering, Karl Friedrich August | | 1819–1889 | 1 |
Hérold, Ferdinand | | 1791–1833 | 1 |
Hewitt, John Hill | | 1801–1890 | 1 |
Hicks, Laurence Henry | | 1912–1997 | 1 |
Hill, Mildred J. | | 1859–1916 | 1 |
Hime, B. | | ? | 2 |
Hodson, George Alexander | | ?–1863 | 2 |
Hoffman, Elisha Albright | | 1839–1929 | 1 |
Hoffstetter, Roman | | 1742–1815 | 1 |
Holst, Gustav | | 1874–1934 | 2 |
Holst, Matthias von | | 1767–1854 | 12 |
Honegger, Arthur | | 1892–1955 | 1 |
Hook, James | | 1746–1827 | 3 |
Hopkins, John Henry, Jr. | | 1820–1891 | 1 |
Horn, Charles Edward | | 1786–1849 | 4 |
Hotteterre, Jacques | | 1674–1763 | 1 |
Hughes, John | | 1873–1932 | 1 |
Hugues, Luigi | | 1836–1913 | 176 |
Hugues, William Carter | | ? | 1 |
Hullah, John Pyke | | 1812–1884 | 1 |
Hummel, Johann Nepomuk | | 1778–1837 | 2 |
Humperdinck, Engelbert | | 1854–1921 | 1 |
Iqbal, Muhammad | | 1877–1938 | 1 |
Irvine, Jessie Seymour | | 1836–1883 | 1 |
Ishikawa, Jun | | 1964— | 1 |
Ivanovici, Iosif | | 1845–1902 | 1 |
Jackson, Walker ‘Piper’ | | 1716–1798 | 8 |
Jackson, William | | 1730–1803 | 2 |
Janin, Pierre | | 1824–1899 | 1 |
Jenko, Davorin | | 1835–1914 | 1 |
Jensen, Niels Peter | | 1802–1846 | 28 |
Johnson, Francis | | 1792–1844 | 1 |
Johnson, John Rosamond | | 1873–1954 | 1 |
Joncas, Michael | | 1951— | 1 |
Jones, Heather | | 1980— | 4 |
Joplin, Scott | | 1867–1917 | 8 |
Judge, Jack | | 1872–1938 | 1 |
Justin, Kyle | | ?— | 1 |
Karg-Elert, Sigfrid | | 1877–1933 | 31 |
Kawamura, Kôyô | | 1897–1946 | 1 |
Keiser, Robert | | 1862–1932 | 1 |
Kellett, John | | 1873–1922 | 1 |
Kelley, Daniel E. | | 1843–1905 | 1 |
Kelly, Michael | | 1762–1826 | 2 |
Kiallmark, George | | 1781–1835 | 1 |
King, Karl L. | | 1891–1971 | 1 |
Kirkpatrick, William J. | | 1838–1921 | 4 |
Knapp, Phoebe Palmer | | 1839–1908 | 1 |
Köhler, Ernesto | | 1849–1907 | 130 |
Köhler, Louis | | 1820–1886 | 1 |
Kondō, Kōji | | 1960— | 3 |
Kontolatis, Spyros | | ?— | 1 |
Krebs, Johann Ludwig | | 1713–1780 | 1 |
Krøyer, Hans Ernst | | 1798–1879 | 1 |
Kuhlau, Friedrich | | 1786–1832 | 8 |
Kummer, Caspar | | 1795–1870 | 63 |
Kynaston, Nathaniel | | 1686–1757 | 1 |
La Monnoye, Bernard de | | 1641–1728 | 1 |
LaCalle, Joseph | | 1860–1937 | 1 |
Lachau, Ada de | | ? | 1 |
Larionov, Ivan | | 1830–1889 | 1 |
Lassus, Orlande de | | 1532–1594 | 1 |
Lavallée, Calixa | | 1842–1891 | 1 |
Lawrie, William | | 1881–1916 | 2 |
Leclair, Jean-Marie | | 1697–1764 | 9 |
Lee, Alexander | | 1802–1851 | 3 |
Leeves, William | | 1748–1828 | 1 |
Lehár, Franz | | 1870–1948 | 2 |
Lehman, Frederick Martin | | 1868–1953 | 1 |
Leoncavallo, Ruggero | | 1857–1919 | 1 |
Leontovych, Mykola | | 1877–1921 | 1 |
Liguori, Alfonso Maria de' | | 1696–1787 | 1 |
Liliʻuokalani | | 1838–1917 | 1 |
Lindeman, Ludvig Mathias | | 1812–1887 | 1 |
Liszt, Franz | | 1811–1886 | 1 |
Lob, Otto | | 1837–1908 | 1 |
Locatelli, Pietro Antonio | | 1695–1764 | 43 |
Lodge, Henry | | 1884–1933 | 1 |
Loeillet, Jean-Baptiste de Gant | | 1688–1720 | 40 |
Lombardo, Ricky | | 1946— | 3 |
Lover, Samuel | | 1797–1868 | 1 |
Lowry, Robert | | 1826–1899 | 1 |
Lully, Jean-Baptiste | | 1632–1687 | 1 |
Lusse, Charles de | | 1720–1774 | 12 |
Luther, Martin | | 1483–1546 | 2 |
Lvov, Alexei | | 1799–1870 | 1 |
MacDonald, John | | ? | 1 |
MacDonald, Norman | | ? | 1 |
MacDowell, Edward | | 1860–1908 | 1 |
Machaut, Guillaume de | | 1300–1377 | 2 |
MacIntyre, Duncan | | 1767–1807 | 1 |
MacKay, Angus | | 1812–1859 | 1 |
MacKay, John | | 1860–1925 | 1 |
MacKenzie, John M. | | 1922–1996 | 1 |
MacLeod, Donald | | 1917–1982 | 1 |
MacLeod, John | | ? | 1 |
MacLeod, Kevin | | 1972— | 1 |
Mandak, Michael | | 1960— | 1 |
Marais, Marin | | 1656–1728 | 7 |
Marcello, Alessandro | | 1669–1747 | 3 |
Marcello, Benedetto | | 1686–1739 | 55 |
Marie, Jean Gabriel | | 1852–1928 | 1 |
Marquina Narro, Pascual | | 1873–1948 | 1 |
Marshall, William | | 1748–1833 | 5 |
Martini, Giovanni Battista | | 1706–1784 | 3 |
Martini, Jean Paul | | 1741–1816 | 2 |
Mascagni, Pietro | | 1863–1945 | 1 |
Mascolo, Cinthia | | ?— | 8 |
Mascolo, Nilson | | ?— | 8 |
Mason, Lowell | | 1792–1872 | 4 |
Massenet, Jules | | 1842–1912 | 3 |
Mattheson, Johann | | 1681–1764 | 49 |
Maybrick, Michael | | 1844–1913 | 1 |
Mayr, Simon | | 1763–1845 | 1 |
McCormick, Peter Dodds | | 1834–1916 | 1 |
McGranahan, James | | 1840–1907 | 1 |
McKennon, Anne E. | | 1969— | 1 |
McLachlan, Iain | | 1927–1995 | 1 |
McLennan, George Stewart | | 1884–1929 | 2 |
Meacham, Frank W. | | 1850–1896 | 2 |
Meineke, Christopher | | 1782–1850 | 1 |
Mendelssohn, Felix | | 1809–1847 | 8 |
Mendizabal, Rosendo | | 1868–1913 | 1 |
Mendoza y Cortés, Quirino | | 1862–1957 | 1 |
Mercadante, Saverio | | 1795–1870 | 30 |
Merkus, Paul | | 1961— | 38 |
Messer, Don | | 1909–1973 | 1 |
Metz, Theodore August | | 1848–1936 | 1 |
Meyerbeer, Giacomo | | 1791–1864 | 1 |
Miles, Charles Austin | | 1868–1946 | 1 |
Millard, Virtue | | ?–1840 | 1 |
Milne, Peter | | 1824–1908 | 1 |
Minasi, Antonio | | 1814–1861 | 1 |
Minkus, Ludwig | | 1826–1917 | 3 |
Mitiku, Solomon Lulu | | 1950— | 1 |
Miyakawa, D. | | 1971— | 1 |
Molinaro, Simone | | 1570–1636 | 1 |
Molloy, James Lyman | | 1837–1909 | 1 |
Monk, William Henry | | 1823–1889 | 1 |
Montéclair, Michel Pignolet de | | 1667–1737 | 57 |
Monti, Vittorio | | 1868–1922 | 1 |
Montrose, Percy | | ? | 1 |
Monzani, Tebaldo | | 1762–1839 | 12 |
Moody, Michael Finlinson | | 1941— | 1 |
Moore, Thomas | | 1779–1852 | 8 |
Moran, Peter K. | | 1767–1831 | 1 |
Morley, Thomas | | 1557–1602 | 2 |
Moscheles, Ignaz | | 1794–1870 | 1 |
Motoori, Nagayo | | 1885–1945 | 1 |
Mouquet, Jules | | 1867–1946 | 2 |
Mouret, Jean-Joseph | | 1682–1738 | 1 |
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus | | 1756–1791 | 101 |
Muir, Alexander | | 1830–1906 | 1 |
Muirhead, Tom | | 1900–1979 | 1 |
Murray, James R. | | 1841–1905 | 1 |
Mussorgsky, Modest | | 1839–1881 | 3 |
Nakamura, Masato | | 1958— | 1 |
Nakayama, Shinpei | | 1887–1952 | 1 |
Namysłowski, Karol | | 1856–1925 | 1 |
Narita, Tamezō | | 1893–1945 | 1 |
Naudot, Jacques-Christophe | | 1690–1762 | 64 |
Neander, Joachim | | 1650–1680 | 1 |
Neukomm, Sigismund von | | 1778–1858 | 1 |
Nordqvist, Gustav | | 1886–1949 | 1 |
North, Kenneth | | ? | 1 |
Novaro, Michele | | 1818–1885 | 1 |
Nunó, Jaime | | 1824–1908 | 1 |
Oesten, Theodor | | 1813–1870 | 1 |
Offenbach, Jacques | | 1819–1880 | 5 |
Ogiński, Michał Kleofas | | 1765–1833 | 1 |
Oldfield, Mike | | 1953— | 1 |
Ōno, Tadasuke | | 1895–1929 | 1 |
Pacheco, José | | 1784–1865 | 1 |
Pachelbel, Johann | | 1653–1706 | 3 |
Paddon, John | | 1775–1846 | 1 |
Paganini, Niccolò | | 1782–1840 | 9 |
Paisiello, Giovanni | | 1740–1816 | 3 |
Paradisi, Pietro Domenico | | 1707–1791 | 1 |
Parisotti, Alessandro | | 1853–1913 | 1 |
Parry, Hubert | | 1848–1918 | 1 |
Perfect, Albert | | 1873–1945 | 1 |
Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista | | 1710–1736 | 5 |
Pessard, Emile | | 1843–1917 | 2 |
Peters, Brian | | ?— | 1 |
Petrie, Henry W. | | 1857–1925 | 1 |
Pettit, Mildred Tanner | | 1895–1977 | 1 |
Petzold, Christian | | 1677–1733 | 2 |
Phile, Philip | | 1734–1793 | 1 |
Phillips, Thomas | | 1774–1841 | 1 |
Piefke, Johann Gottfried | | 1817–1884 | 1 |
Pierpont, James Lord | | 1822–1893 | 1 |
Pietrasanta, Gian Marco | | ?— | 1 |
Platti, Giovanni | | 1690–1763 | 5 |
Ponchielli, Amilcare | | 1834–1886 | 1 |
Pope, Peter | | 1944— | 8 |
Popp, Wilhelm | | 1828–1903 | 3 |
Popper, David | | 1843–1913 | 1 |
Poulton, George R. | | 1828–1876 | 1 |
Praetorius, Michael | | 1571–1621 | 5 |
Presley, Elvis | | 1935–1977 | 1 |
Prichard, Rowland | | 1811–1887 | 1 |
Prill, Emil | | 1867–1940 | 79 |
Pryor, Arthur | | 1869–1942 | 1 |
Puccini, Giacomo | | 1858–1924 | 5 |
Purcell, Henry | | 1659–1695 | 12 |
Purdy, William T. | | 1882–1918 | 1 |
Quantz, Johann Joachim | | 1697–1773 | 142 |
Rachmaninoff, Sergei | | 1873–1943 | 3 |
Rameau, Jean-Philippe | | 1683–1764 | 3 |
Ramírez, Francisco | | ? | 1 |
Ranish, John | | 1693–1777 | 39 |
Ravel, Maurice | | 1875–1937 | 3 |
Reading, John | | 1685–1764 | 2 |
Redner, Lewis H. | | 1831–1908 | 1 |
Reid, John | | 1721–1807 | 1 |
Reinagle, Alexander | | 1756–1809 | 1 |
Reinagle, Joseph | | 1762–1836 | 1 |
Reissiger, Carl Gottlieb | | 1798–1859 | 1 |
Rennie, Adam | | 1897–1960 | 1 |
Ricketts, Fredrick Joseph | | 1881–1945 | 1 |
Riddell, John | | 1718–1795 | 1 |
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai | | 1844–1908 | 5 |
Roberton, Hugh Stevenson | | 1874–1952 | 1 |
Robles, Daniel Alomía | | 1871–1942 | 1 |
Roche, Alexander D. | | n/a | 1 |
Rodgers, Richard | | 1902–1979 | 1 |
Rodríguez, Gerardo Matos | | 1897–1948 | 1 |
Rodwell, George Herbert | | 1800–1852 | 2 |
Romanino, Camillo | | 1803–1863 | 10 |
Romberg, Andreas | | 1767–1821 | 1 |
Root, George Frederick | | 1820–1895 | 1 |
Rosetti, Francesco Antonio | | 1750–1792 | 1 |
Ross, William | | 1823–1891 | 1 |
Ross, Willie | | 1878–1966 | 1 |
Rossini, Gioachino | | 1792–1868 | 21 |
Rouget de Lisle, Claude Joseph | | 1760–1836 | 1 |
Rubio, Jesús González | | ?–1874 | 1 |
Ruge, Filippo | | 1725–1767 | 17 |
Saint-Saëns, Camille | | 1835–1921 | 9 |
Samarakoon, Ananda | | 1911–1962 | 1 |
Samaras, Spyridon | | 1861–1917 | 1 |
Samburski, Daniel | | 1909–1975 | 1 |
Sammartini, Giuseppe | | 1695–1750 | 2 |
Sancho, Ignatius | | 1729–1780 | 12 |
Sanderson, James | | 1769–1841 | 1 |
Sankey, Ira David | | 1840–1908 | 1 |
Santos, Jorge A. | | 1870–1941 | 1 |
Sanz, Gaspar | | 1640–1710 | 2 |
Sarti, Giuseppe | | 1729–1802 | 16 |
Satie, Erik | | 1866–1925 | 9 |
Scallon, Dana Rosemary | | 1951— | 1 |
Scarlatti, Alessandro | | 1660–1725 | 1 |
Scarlatti, Domenico | | 1685–1757 | 1 |
Scherer, Johann | | ? | 12 |
Schmelzer, Johann Heinrich | | 1620–1680 | 1 |
Schubert, Franz | | 1797–1828 | 17 |
Schubiger, Anselm | | 1815–1888 | 1 |
Schultze, Johann Christoph | | ? | 25 |
Schulz, Johann Abraham Peter | | 1747–1800 | 1 |
Schumann, Robert | | 1810–1856 | 8 |
Scott, Alicia | | 1810–1900 | 1 |
Seeger, Pete | | 1919–2014 | 1 |
Shaw, David T. | | ? | 1 |
Shield, William | | 1748–1829 | 1 |
Sibelius, Jean | | 1865–1957 | 1 |
Sieczyński, Rudolf | | 1879–1952 | 1 |
Silcher, Friedrich | | 1789–1860 | 2 |
Silva, Francisco Manuel da | | 1795–1865 | 1 |
Silva, Pattápio | | 1880–1907 | 1 |
Sindici, Oreste | | 1828–1904 | 1 |
Skinner, James Scott | | 1843–1927 | 14 |
Smart, Henry Thomas | | 1813–1879 | 1 |
Smetana, Bedřich | | 1824–1884 | 1 |
Sontonga, Enoch | | 1873–1905 | 1 |
Sor, Fernando | | 1778–1839 | 2 |
Sousa, John Philip | | 1854–1932 | 13 |
Spilman, Jonathan Edwards | | 1812–1896 | 1 |
Spofforth, Reginald | | 1769–1827 | 1 |
Stafford Smith, John | | 1750–1836 | 2 |
Stamitz, Anton | | 1750–? | 8 |
Stamitz, Carl | | 1745–1801 | 11 |
Stanley, John | | 1712–1786 | 1 |
Staunton, William Jr. | | ? | 1 |
Steffe, William | | 1830–1890 | 1 |
Stevens, Cat | | 1948— | 1 |
Stevenson, John | | 1761–1833 | 3 |
Stevenson, John Andrew | | 1761–1833 | 1 |
Stewart, Andy M. | | 1952–2015 | 1 |
Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich | | 1690–1749 | 1 |
Strauss, Johann I | | 1804–1849 | 1 |
Strauss, Johann II | | 1825–1899 | 5 |
Strauss, Richard | | 1864–1949 | 1 |
Sudhakaran, Pranav | | 2008— | 2 |
Sullivan, Arthur | | 1842–1900 | 11 |
Suppé, Franz von | | 1819–1895 | 1 |
Susato, Tielman | | 1510–1570 | 1 |
Svendsen, Johan | | 1840–1911 | 1 |
Sweney, John Robson | | 1837–1899 | 1 |
Tagore, Rabindranath | | 1861–1941 | 1 |
Taki, Rentarō | | 1879–1903 | 1 |
Tallis, Thomas | | 1505–1585 | 1 |
Tanaka, Hirokazu | | 1957— | 1 |
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich | | 1840–1893 | 34 |
Telemann, Georg Philipp | | 1681–1767 | 149 |
Terschak, Adolf | | 1832–1901 | 49 |
Thompson, Thomas | | 1777–1830 | 1 |
Tobani, Theodore Moses | | 1855–1933 | 1 |
Toribio Gil, Pablo | | 1974— | 2 |
Toselli, Enrico | | 1883–1926 | 1 |
Tosti, Paolo | | 1846–1916 | 1 |
Traditional American | | n/a | 75 |
Traditional Australian | | n/a | 5 |
Traditional Austrian | | n/a | 3 |
Traditional Breton | | n/a | 4 |
Traditional Bulgarian | | n/a | 1 |
Traditional Canadian | | n/a | 6 |
Traditional Catalan | | n/a | 3 |
Traditional Chinese | | n/a | 1 |
Traditional Cuban | | n/a | 1 |
Traditional Czech | | n/a | 1 |
Traditional Danish | | n/a | 1 |
Traditional English | | n/a | 211 |
Traditional Filipino | | n/a | 1 |
Traditional Finnish | | n/a | 1 |
Traditional French | | n/a | 44 |
Traditional German | | n/a | 16 |
Traditional Greek | | n/a | 2 |
Traditional Irish | | n/a | 634 |
Traditional Italian | | n/a | 11 |
Traditional Jamaican | | n/a | 2 |
Traditional Japanese | | n/a | 5 |
Traditional Jewish | | n/a | 10 |
Traditional Korean | | n/a | 2 |
Traditional Mexican | | n/a | 2 |
Traditional Norwegian | | n/a | 1 |
Traditional Polish | | n/a | 3 |
Traditional Romanian | | n/a | 1 |
Traditional Russian | | n/a | 4 |
Traditional Scottish | | n/a | 232 |
Traditional Spanish | | n/a | 7 |
Traditional Swedish | | n/a | 3 |
Traditional Turkish | | n/a | 2 |
Traditional Welsh | | n/a | 9 |
Tripp, Riley | | 2007— | 1 |
Tromlitz, Johann Georg | | 1725–1805 | 28 |
Tucker, Henry | | 1826–1882 | 1 |
Tulou, Jean-Louis | | 1786–1865 | 35 |
Ungar, Jay | | 1946— | 1 |
Üngör, Zeki | | 1880–1958 | 1 |
Veracini, Francesco Maria | | 1690–1768 | 3 |
Verbytsky, Mykhailo | | 1815–1870 | 1 |
Verdi, Giuseppe | | 1813–1901 | 12 |
Villoldo, Ángel | | 1861–1919 | 10 |
Vinci, Leonardo | | 1690–1730 | 5 |
Vivaldi, Antonio | | 1678–1741 | 52 |
Von Tilzer, Albert | | 1878–1956 | 1 |
Wade, John Francis | | 1711–1786 | 1 |
Wade, Joseph Augustine | | 1795–1845 | 2 |
Wagner, Josef Franz | | 1856–1908 | 1 |
Wagner, Richard | | 1813–1883 | 3 |
Waldteufel, Émile | | 1837–1915 | 2 |
Walker, Tommy | | 1922–1986 | 1 |
Waller, Sidney | | ? | 2 |
Wanhal, Johann Baptist | | 1739–1813 | 19 |
Ward-Higgs, William | | 1866–1936 | 1 |
Ward, Samuel A. | | 1847–1903 | 1 |
Warlock, Peter | | 1894–1930 | 1 |
Webb, George James | | 1803–1887 | 1 |
Webbe, Samuel, Sr. | | 1740–1816 | 1 |
Weber, Carl Maria von | | 1786–1826 | 3 |
Webster, Joseph Philbrick | | 1819–1875 | 1 |
Weigl, Joseph | | 1766–1846 | 1 |
Wesley, Samuel Sebastian | | 1810–1876 | 1 |
Whitaker, John | | 1776–1847 | 1 |
Widmeyer, Charles Brenton | | 1884–1974 | 1 |
Wiedemann, Josef | | 1828–1919 | 1 |
Wiehle, Kurt | | ? | 1 |
Wilhelm | | 1781–1842 | 1 |
Williams, Rosie | | 1970— | 4 |
Williams, Thomas John | | 1869–1944 | 1 |
Williamson, Roy M.B. | | 1936–1990 | 1 |
Willis, Richard S. | | 1819–1900 | 1 |
Willis, Wallis | | ? | 1 |
Wills, Rachel | | ?— | 1 |
Wilson, Emily Divine | | 1865–1942 | 1 |
Wind, Chris | | 1957— | 1 |
Winner, Joseph E. | | 1837–1918 | 1 |
Woods, John Joseph | | 1849–1934 | 1 |
Work, Henry Clay | | 1832–1884 | 3 |
Wyeth, John | | 1770–1858 | 1 |
Yokota, Mahito | | ?— | 1 |
Yorkston, James | | ? | 1 |
Zehavi, David | | 1910–1977 | 1 |
Zimmerman, Charles A. | | 1861–1916 | 1 |
Zimmermann, Simon Anton | | 1807–1876 | 1 |
Zonday, Tay | | 1982— | 1 |