Multilingual Music Glossary

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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Some random terms

  • andante [Italian] Literally, “going”. A moderate tempo marking, usually around 76–108 BPM.
  • quadruple meter Metrical pattern with four beats to a measure.
  • Klang [German] Sound, tune, ringing, sonority.
  • schwungvoll [German] Rousing, spirited, energetic.
  • rhythm The subdivision of time into a defined pattern.
  • tranquillo [Italian] Calm, quiet.
  • staccatissimo [Italian] A style of playing notes in a detached, separated, distinct manner that shortens the notated duration of the note in a more exaggerated way than normal staccato.
  • boogie-woogie A style of piano-based blues that became very popular in the late 1930s and early 1940s, but originated much earlier, and was extended from piano, to three pianos at once, guitar, big band, and country and western music, and even gospel. Whilst the blues traditionally depicts a variety of emotions, boogie-woogie is mainly associated with dancing.
  • trio [Italian] A composition for three performers.
  • sempre [Italian] Always.
  • subject The melody upon which a fugue is based; a melody, motive, or theme. The theme or melody upon which any composition is based.
  • ornament Musical flourishes that are not necessary to carry the overall line of the melody (or harmony), but serve instead to decorate or “ornament” that line. Many ornaments are performed as fast notes around a central note.
  • blues African-American music genre, characterized by simple repetitive structures and by the use of the blues chord progressions and the blue notes.
  • root The fundamental note of a chord.
  • buffo [Italian] Comic, humorous.